Pocket Universe Survival Club
Survival Club has taught me that a key to survival is breaking up the often insurmountable task of facing the future into small achievable steps - doing the next right thing. The next right thing can be as big as making an important life decision, or as small as deciding to take a shower. Whenever I've felt overwhelmed this year, it has been enormously helpful to stop, breathe, and identify a step I can take (even just one!) that will lead me in the right direction.
~ Dea Julien

Every week, Survival Club reminds me of the importance of community to our survival. This year has been so full of isolation and not-knowing, and it's made all the difference to be able to do our not-knowing together.
And... a survival skill that works in literally any situation, including a global pandemic: DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING.
~Laura Baranik
I learned that no-one survives this alone, even when we’re staying 6 ft apart!
~Sam Gold
Survival Club has taught me that the more we assist each other during a dire situation, the more we are likely to survive ourselves.
~Amie Tedesco
I have learned through survival club how important it is to be creative and have community!
~Mae Carlson
I learned so much from WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? so narrowing it down to one thing is gonna be hard but if I have to...I think it's the importance of learning how to enjoy change.
~Shaun Leisher